We arrived at the "County Line Campground" in Summit SD (about 30 miles north of Watertown) on the 5th of May and plan on staying here for a month. It was a pretty good deal, only $400 for the month. When we checked in, the owner asked if we wanted to help around the campground 2 days a week. With that we would get a free stay. It caught us off guard and since we are just starting our retirement, we said not this time, maybe next time. Here is our review of the campground.
We got the RV all set up and then headed to our son's house to drop off the U-Haul truck so he can unload it. The next day, we showed up and none of his friends had showed up yet, so I started the moving of furniture with him until they showed up. He got the truck unloaded and we turned it back in. Now the only thing we really have scheduled is the cruise (that's another story).
There isn't a lot to do in Watertown or the surrounding areas so most of the time, we either visited with our son and his family, or goofed off around camp (in most cases at least).
We also spent Mother's Day here with the family. It was a very nice time.
Our son was nice enough to watch our dog while we went on the cruise. Oh, did I tell you we went on a cruise? Well that is another story. You can read that here. Anyway, I don't think he will volunteer to do that again. He has 2 small dogs and they didn't mind each other. The problem was my dog kept marking the end of the couch we gave them. Our dog never did that before at anyone else's house so that caught us by surprise. Lindsay, Justin's wife, said Scout (our dog) would not go to the bathroom on a lead. So every morning she had to walk the dog so he would go. Terry said, "You're Welcome."
After the cruise, Terry started getting sick. Probably a cold she picked up on the plane to Miami. She suffered for a little over a week with all the good ole cold symptoms. I think I got it too. My throat got a little sore for about 30 minutes, but I guess time will tell.
After we got home from the cruise, it was time to explore and see something in the area, so we went to Minnesota to visit the Pipestone National Monument, just outside of Pipestone, MN. As usual, it was raining and two school buses were there also. The kids were well behaved though...at least when we were near them. The monument was interesting. This is where the Indians mined for red rocks to make their peace pipes. In fact, it's an active quarry and they are still mining the rocks to this day. The quarries are not very big though. I thought it would be a big operation...nope, just some dudes with a shovel and pick chopping away in a small 20x20 hole...(or that is what I would expect. No one was there and the holes were filled with water...it being rainy season and all).
There was a short hiking trail through the terrain to a waterfall and since Terry lives for waterfalls, off we went. That made her a happy camper, which in turn made me a happy camper (not getting in trouble). The trail goes right next to the quarries too. We did see some deer in the fields but I don't think we were close enough to get a good picture. But here are the pictures of the place anyway.
On the way back, I saw this guy in a UTV stuck in the mud in a field. What made this funny was his wife standing on the edge with her hands on her hips. You can hear it now..."I said don't do it!!!!...Idiot!!!!"
When we traveled to Summit, we saw signs about Laura Ingalls Wilder's home. Because of that, we decided to go see Laura Ingalls Wilder's home. It was in De Smet, SD (about an hour away). On the way there, Terry did some research on it and the only thing she saw about it was a historical marker on the side of the road. So instead of driving there to see a sign, we decided to go to Walnut Grove, MN. They have a museum. It was another hour or so to that location (not like we had to go to work or anything, just time on our hands.) While we were there, I had to ask Terry what was so important about this girl to have all these places advertised and to make a TV show about her. She told me she was a writer and was writing since she was a little girl. Well that explained why I didn't know that. Why would I? Not like I read or anything...unless it's a tech manual.
When we got back we told Lindsay about our adventure and she told me there was a museum in the town of De Smet, and the sign just points out where the house used to be...or something like that. Anyway, here are the pictures of that.
The family came out to visit and check out our home (RV). We had a city park (or a really small town of 288 people park) nearby so we went over so Maddie (our granddaughter) could play. While we were there, I threw the ball so Scout could get some exercise. One time I threw it into a tree and didn't see it come out. The dog couldn't find it either. After looking around and in the tree (thinking how hard is it to find a bright ass orange ball) the rest of the family came and started looking for it. No one could find it in the tree. Terry found it, it was about 30 yards farther away in the grass. Go figure.

Our next stop is Preston, MN at Maple Springs Campground.
The review for the campground can be seen here, or on the Camping Reviews page (link on the right).
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